Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Quad Bod

I thought it would be fun to put together a progression to look at all in one page. It amazes me to see how quickly I have grown. There hasn't been a single week when I didn't see a change.

I forgot to take an official beginning of pregnancy pic, but here is one from from our wedding day less than two years before we got pregnant, and it is an accurate representation of my Pre Quad Bod.

My starting weight was 125. Where I end up is anyone's guess! I'll continue to update this page as more weeks go by.

Week 24 was a week a massive water gain for me. Notice the drop in weight the following week? I had a lot of fluid sitting in my legs and feet.

As you can probably tell by the weight, my legs both puffed up again this week. I feel like a stuffed sausage. The skin on my thighs feels tighter than the skin on my belly!

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